Friday, July 24, 2015

Fun with the family on a budget

Howdy Y'all!

As you know I am a mom and with being a mom that means I have to plan outings for not only my husband and I but with the kids as well! But going to entertainment places such as Main Event or Incredible Pizza gets SUPER expensive. For my son its Chuck-E-Cheese but even that is to much for us.

So I have thought of a couple of ways to have family fun time without breaking the budget. So of course there is the easiest answers. We can go to the park, a normal park and the water spray parks. These are very easy and you can take a picnic to save money on food.

If you feel the park has reached its limit or you have older kids then I suggest you google "Activities in (Your city or county)" We just moved so I had no idea what they had for the community or what events were around so I googled and found A LOT!

Churches hold events in order to get new followers and bring their church name in the community and most of them are free. Certain companies hold deals over the summer and holidays to also drive customers so that can help as well.

There are also unknown event places such as bouncy houses, water parks, gyms, arcades, ect that can be super affordable and fun. When it comes to meals always look for coupons or local restaurants that offer meal deals. Our local frozen yogurt shop offers 50% off for children between 2-4pm so it makes a nice treat for our little one!

Also, check museums and zoos! Our zoo offers free days for certain banks, festivals, ect. We always take advantage of the free days!

Normally we eat a meal first, pack plenty of snacks, and juice before we head out. We limit our time out between 2-4hours since after awhile he will get hungry and fussy. If we limit the time then we are less likely to go out to eat and spend more money!

Thank you for reading and if you have any suggestions or questions feel free to comment below!

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