I wanted to use this first post to introduce myself and the purpose of this blog! I am a young, 21 years old, wife and mom of two! We live in the big state of Texas and even own our first home!
I grew up in a divorce family with three siblings. Both my parents worked and always stressed the importance of an education and being independent. Bouncing back and forth between homes for holidays and the summer made a huge impact on my life to make sure I never had my kids go through that. With both my parents working I also made it my goal to be able to spend time with my future kids. I began working when I was a Junior in high school and like most high schoolers struggled with saving my money. It took me over a year to be able to save money in order to buy my first car out right. This big purchase made me realize how important money management was!
When I graduated I enrolled in school and after my first semester I moved out with my husband, my fiance at the time. But after just 4 months of living on our own we realized that we were not very smart when it comes to money management. We moved back home and began to save again! Finally 7 months and our first son being born we were able to move out on our own again! From that moment on we began to really crack down on money management. I learned how to make dishes with a low budget and how to cut back on every day utilities!
Six months later we moved to a bigger apartment, due to being able to save more money and have room in our budget! We got married, which we paid a majority of it ourselves. From there it was a year worth of building credit, saving money, and looking towards the big future!
And now, three years after graduating we have our very own home and second child on the way this November. It took three years of saving, shaping our life styles, and killing old habits but we were able to do it. This blog is my way to share the things we used in order to be able to do this! I will have recipes, tips, Q&A, and some DIY decorative tips for those who think you have to spend a fortune to make a place your own! I will have open communication with ALL my readers so please feel free to email or leave a comment!

Have an amazing day!
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